EndNote Desktop can automatically search library resources to find and import the full text articles (usually pdfs) of your saved EndNote citations, building your research library. There is a Find Full Text button on the EndNote toolbar, and it is also under "References" in the menu bar.
GSM faculty, residents, and students have access to the UTHSC Library's resources. EndNote Desktop can automatically search that library's resources for the full text articles of EndNote citations.
OpenURL Path is: https://ezproxy.uthsc.edu/login?url=http://linksource.ebsco.com/linking.aspx
Authenticate with: https://ezproxy.uthsc.edu/login?url=
Note: the EndNote Find Full Text feature will not find everything for you. Some journals and database services (e.g., ClinicalKey) will not work with it.
If you are a UTK student or faculty, you will want to set up EndNote's Find Full Text to work with UTK Libraries' electronic resources:
On a Mac, go under EndNote to Preferences. Preferences is found under Edit on Windows machines.
Find Full Text Preferences, put in the following information:
OpenURL Path: https://utk-almaprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/openurl/01UTK/01UTK_SERVICES
URL: https://login.proxy.lib.utk.edu/login?url=
You may check all the boxes above these two URLs.