When you can not find the references from online databases or other sources that enable direct export into the EndNote Library, you will have to do it manually.
- Open your EndNote Library
- Click New References from References menu
- Select References Type (e.g., book, book section, journal article, Web page,...) from the drop-down menu
- Enter each field as required by the desired writing style
Tips for entering references manually:
- You don't have to fill out all the fields
- Don't apply any formatting at all (e.g,. bold, italic, ...) just enter plain text
- Each author entering on a new line (First name last name; Last name, first name)
- End corporate author name with a comma (e.g., University of Tennessee,)
- Author term in red means it is new. As you type, EndNote will suggest authors to you
- Year needs to enter a 4-digit number
- Use Date field for month
- Page number can be entered as a range or truncated (e.g., 112-119 or 112-9)