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Coping with COVID-19

A variety of resources focused on coping strategies for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Working Remotely

Psychologists' advice for newly remote workers

An article from the American Psychological Association with advice about how to work from home if you never have before. Points covered include setting boundaries between home and work life, how to minimize distractions, set goals, and maintain effective communication.

Tips for Working from Home Effectively

An article from The Skimm covering issues that many who are new to working from home may face and strategies for overcoming them.

9 things you can do to make working from home more joyful

This article from TED highlights some of the less recognized benefits of working from home and strategies for enjoying your time spent there.

Zoom fatigue is real -- here's why video calls are so draining

In this article from TED, the effects of Zoom fatigue are discussed as well as the differences between meeting in-person versus online. 

Standard Tuning for Social Isolation

From Understorey Magazine, a poem by librarian Jenn Carson that reflects on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.