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Evidence-Based Healthcare

Steps in Practicing Evidence-Based Medicine

Guides for Evidence-Based Medicine


The first stage of any evidence-based research is formulating an answerable question. A well-formulated question will facilitate the search for evidence and will assist you in determining whether the evidence is relevant to your question.

An answerable question has a format that follows the PICO concept. The acronym translates to:

  • P – Populations/People/Patient/Problem
  • I – Intervention(s)
  • C – Comparison
  • O – Outcome


P (Problem or Patient or Population) hospital acquired infection
I (intervention/indicator) hand washing
C (comparison) no hand washing; other solution; masks
O (outcome of interest) reduced infection

Databases for Evidence-Based Medicine

Other resources for Evidence-Based Medicine

PubMed Clinical Queries

PubMed Clinical Queries: Quick Searching for the Busy Clinician (7 minutes, 52 seconds) (Kelsey)

The five steps of EBP

Evidence-based practice consists of five steps:

  1. Ask a searchable clinical question;
  2. Find the best evidence to answer the question;
  3. Appraise the evidence;
  4. Apply the evidence with clinical expertise, taking the patient's wants/needs into consideration;
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the process.

Source: Strauss, S. E.  Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2005.