Provides access to major medical textbooks including Harrison's, Hurst's The Heart, and CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, as well as differential diagnosis tools, guidelines, study questions, drug information, and more.
Provides access to the literature in nursing and allied health disciplines including selected titles in biomedicine, alternative therapies, and consumer health. It also offers access to Evidence-Based Care Sheets, searchable cited references, and over 250 research instrument descriptions. Mobile app instructions.
Journal Citation Reports provides scholars with objective data regarding the quality of publications, including the journal impact factor and other indexes of quality.
NetID Required
Database of citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from MEDLINE and additional life science journals, including clinical medicine and public health.
This link allows medical residents and all other UTK & UTHSC NetID holders the option to search PubMed and link to resources from Preston Medical Library, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, or UT Health Sciences Center. Note that you will not be able to see the three links if you are logged into MyNCBI.
For advanced research, one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. An author search will show the researcher's H-index. NetID required.
In order to utilize the Health Science Center's electronic resources, you must be affiliated with the UT Graduate School of Medicine or the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
In order to utilize UTK's electronic resources, you must be affiliated with the UT Graduate School of Medicine or the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Try their new UTKey bookmark to access UTK Libraries' subscriptions without having to navigate through their library website.