If you have an existing personal or institutional account and you need to merge that with your new account at this institution, please call:
UpToDate Support
Access UpToDate from home or other computers outside of University of Tennessee Medical Center:
For UTMC employees that work outside of the main UTMC campus (or if you prefer to set up your account from home), after clicking on the UpToDate link on our Quick links menu, you will be prompted for a login to the library's off campus access server. Users with a UTMC login can use those credentials to gain access to the library (if you do not have a UTMC login, please contact your IT department). After logging in to Off Campus Access, you will be routed back to UpToDate to set up your account.
Once both accounts are set up, you can access the library's UpToDate link from our website to log into Off Campus Access, and then log in to UpToDate. After that point, both accounts will then be linked. After that point, you should simply be able to log in to Off Campus Access to be able to access UpToDate and continue to accumulate CE's.
Registration Step-by-step:
From the UTMC network, access www.UpToDate.com from any browser, or from the UpToDate link on the Preston Medical Library Homepage.
If you are not on UTMC campus and need to set up a new account, see "Need to Set up an Account from Off Campus"
Click the log-in/register link on the top right
Complete the Registration (New User) Form
Downloading and activating access to the UpToDate App:
After registration, you can install the Mobile App on up to two devices by following the instructions below:
Keep your access to UpToDate:
Earning CME is very easy with UpToDate. After registration has been completed within the UTMC network, users then will have an an individual account. Thereafter, when clinical questions are researched, UpToDate tracks both the search activity and the time spent reading topics. This activity results in the clinician accruing CME credit.
If you currently have, or have had a personal UpToDate account in the past, UpToDate Customer Service can help make sure that you don't lose your CE's. After your new account is set up, simply call: 800-998-6374 to merge your old account into your new one.
OR you can let your current account lapse - once your account has completely lapsed (you no longer have access through your app), you can log into UpToDate on the UTMCK network with your personal login, and you will automatically become affiliated with our institution. Your personal login can have any email address (utmck or a personal gmail, etc.) and you can update your email in your account settings at any time.